Offers for companies
- Framework agreement with many benefits
- Large customer discount
- Translation service 24H
- Assigned project manager

Notarized & Sworn
- Experts for officially certified translations in 24-48H
- Certified translations with signature and stamp
- Translations by sworn translators for over 50 countries

With a quality guarantee!
- ISO 17100-certified
- Information security according to ISO 27001
- Environmental standards according to ISO 14001
- Guaranteed perfect, or newly translated

Documents for which a certified translation may be required:
- Birth certificates
- Diplomas
- Marriage certificates
- Medical records
- ID cards
- Financial documents etc.
- Contracts, preliminary contracts
Why Documently?
Personal contact person
Specialist translations into all world languages
Inexpensive & professional
Officially certified translations with signature and stamp at Documently
Experts for certified translations - Your reliable choice Documently is your trusted partner for officially certified translations prepared by sworn translators and provided with a signature and stamp. Our ISO 17100-certified experts offer you certified translations that are recognized throughout Germany and internationally. Our customers include public authorities, companies, private individuals and government organizations that rely on our expertise.
What are certified translations?
The definition and procedure for certifying translations can vary from country to country. In general, translations are carried out by a sworn translator. The translator confirms with a signed declaration or stamp that the translation is an accurate and correct reproduction of the original and that he or she has the necessary linguistic skills. This certification acts as a certificate of authenticity for the translated document.
Certified translations in over 100 languages for more than 100 countries! Our translations are produced by sworn translators who are licensed to provide legally valid translations and certifications. The following applies to EU countries: Certified translations produced by a sworn translator in one country must also be recognized in all other EU countries.
Certified translations online - the process For your certified translation, we need information about the country in which the document is to be used. This enables us to ensure that we use a translator who is sworn in that country. You will receive the finished translation as a scanned file; if you require the original, please let us know.
Documents that often require certified translations:
Birth certificates
Marriage certificates
Medical documents
ID cards
Financial documents
Contracts and preliminary contracts
Country-specific requirements for certified translations:
NetherlandsCertified translations must be carried out by sworn translators authorized by the Dutch Court of Justice.
BelgiumCertified translations require the signature of the sworn translator; a court stamp is required for additional legalization.
GreeceCertified translations are carried out by lawyers or the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
NorwayMembers of the Norwegian Translators' Association (STF) are authorized to carry out certified translations and provide them with a stamp and signature.
DenmarkOnly state-authorized translators may prepare legally recognized certified translations; additional legalization by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is possible.
Certified translations with experts from Documently - quality and reliability worldwide
Your documents with legal value - certified translations by certified translators At Documently, your documents only have legal value if they are signed and stamped by a sworn translator. Our translations meet the highest standards and are internationally recognized. We offer you certified translations in over 100 languages, produced by sworn, sworn or certified translators who are licensed in their respective countries.
Country-specific requirements for certified translations:
SpainSworn translators must pass an examination before the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to provide certified translations.
ArgentinaLaw No. 20305 stipulates that public documents must only be translated by officially certified translators and that their seal and signature must be legalized by a professional association.
GermanyHigher Regional Courts appoint sworn or authorized translators who have proven their qualifications by passing a specialist examination or obtaining a recognized degree.
IndonesiaSworn translators have graduated from the University of Indonesia and have been sworn in by the Governor of DKI Jakarta.
ItalyCourts and consulates in Italy are responsible for approving official translators who must pass an examination or prove their language skills.
MexicoTranslators must pass a written and oral examination in order to be recognized as an expert or sworn translator.
PolandTranslators must pass an official examination before a department of the Ministry of Justice.
South Africa: Recognized by the Supreme Court, the translator must personally use an original or a sworn copy of an original as the source text.
SwedenThe Kammarkollegiet appoints translators who pass strict examinations and have a protected professional title as authorized translators.
United StatesThere is no standardized certification; translators can take different tests to prove their language skills.
United KingdomThe Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI) grants translators the right to certify translations. This serves the identification and liability of the translator.
Quality assurance and confidentiality Documently works to the highest quality standards, certified to ISO 17100. All certified translations undergo an independent check and revision by a second specialist translator to ensure flawless quality. The protection of your sensitive data is a matter of course for us.
Fast and globally available translation services With locations in Europe, Asia and America, we are available around the clock and guarantee that you will receive a binding quote within one hour of receiving your documents.
Get in touch with us! Get a quote and order your translation directly online from Documently. Rely on our expertise for certified translations - precise, legally compliant and recognized worldwide.

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